Dots Collaborate in Vegas: Ice Cream Social

Dots Collaborate in Vegas: Ice Cream Social

You're invited to "Collaborate in Vegas: Polka Dot Powerhouse Open House" on Thurs, July 20 from 5p - 7p. Join us for an incredible opportunity to connect with like-minded women and learn more about Polka Dot Powerhouse - a group of 3,000 strong women worldwide who are committed to moving forward together.

Come Mingle with Polka Dot Powerhouse Members, we'll be sharing a "teaser" of a full meeting where we take time to reflect, reset and laugh. The Teaser will spotlight our favorite sections: intros, celebrations, and new products/services. This is the perfect chance to see what Polka Dot Powerhouse is all about and how it can help you grow personally and professionally. There will be ice cream, music, and laughs! 

This event is being hosted by Casey Jade of The Dark Room & Casey Jade Photography. 

Don't miss out on this amazing event! Be sure to use the hashtag #CollaborateInVegas and share with your friends. We can't wait to see you there!

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 07-20-2023 5:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 07-20-2023 7:00 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 5
Remaining Seats Available 25
Location The Dark Room

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting